1 Corinthians 7:1-6, 10-24

An interesting aspect of this passage is that Paul says the same thing to both the husband and wife. This would have been a revolutionary idea back then.

  1. One should deprive one’s marriage partner of sexual intimacy except by mutual consent. Distance or separation in a marriage relationship is dangerous (1 Corinthians 7:1-6). … Paul was talking about intimacy. A lack of intimacy likely indicates problems that put distance between husband and wife. That distance is something Satan can use to create even more issues.

  2. Two Christians should not divorce (1 Corinthians :10-11). Jesus said the only exception is adultery (Matthew 19:9). … Paul references what Jesus has said on this issue and tells Christians to work through their problems.

  3. A believer should _ to an unbeliever if the unbelieving spouse is willing to do so (1 Corinthians 7:12-16). The presence of one Christians in a family sanctifies the family. … This time Paul uses his own discernment and tells us that Christians should remain with their unbelieving spouse if their spouse is willing to remain married. He says that the Christian spouse can “sanctify” the family. That doesn’t mean a family is saved just because one of the parents is a Christian, but that the family may be blessed because of it.

  4. Be content regardless of your material situation (1 Corinthians 7:17-24). Serve God where you are until He moves you into different circumstances. You can be content where you are (Philippians 4:10-13). … We are told not to wish we were somewhere else or with someone else, but to be content. Our circumstances don’t determine our happiness or contentedness. We are defined by God, not our marital status.