Gift Exchange | What Christmas Is Really All About | The Gift of Joy
Luke 2:8-11
These verses show an angel appearing to shepherds, proclaiming “good news of great joy.” The angel delivers a news report to these shepherds, reporting an event that was happening in that moment just a little ways away.
Three Biblical Principles About Joy
- God wants you to be full of joy (John 15:11). … Some people think you can't have fun if you follow Jesus. However, we know where joy comes from and we can have the joy of Jesus in us and it can complete our own joy. What's more fun than having a life full of joy?
- Joy comes from knowing God's salvation (Isaiah 61:10a. … Isaiah rejoiced greatly because of God's salvation. We should also be rejoicing in that salvation. As believers, here are three reasons to rejoice in our salvation:
- All of your sins have been forgiven. … Everything you've ever done or will do is forgiven. It's a truly marvelous thing to consider.
- You have a future beyond this life. … After this life ends for us, we will spend eternity in Heaven with our Savior.
- You have a purpose. … When we accept salvation, we gain a new purpose from God. Often people lose joy because they feel they have lost their purpose.
- You can have joy in all circumstances (James 1:2-3). … When we allow our joy to be tied to worldly things (sports, work, hobbies, games, books, movies, etc.), our joy becomes a roller coaster, ebbing up and down. But when we base our joy in Christ, we maintain a steady joy even when our favorite sports team gets embarrassed on national TV.
Three Pathways to Joy
- Draw near to God (Psalm 16:11). … Since God is the source of joy, the only way to experience joy to its fullest is to be close to Him. Consider a campfire. The warmest spot is right next to it. As you get further away, you grow colder.
- Practice gratitude. … Every good thing is from God. We have many blessings we can thank God for, and doing so helps us to have joy in our lives.
- Extend generosity. … When we bring cheer to others, it makes us more cheerful too. When we bless others, we also receive a blessing.
For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message
- Exalting Jesus in Luke (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary)
- ESV Expository Commentary
- NIV Application Commentary
- O Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp
- Love Came Down at Christmas by Sinclair Ferguson
- The Characters of Christmas by Dan Darling
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