Matthew 1:18-21
An angel came to Joseph and told him that the baby Mary was pregnant with was conceived by the Holy Spirit and told him to give the baby a specific name: Jesus. Why does the name matter? Because this name means “rescuer.” This baby would be the rescuer for the whole world.
- THE PROBLEM OF CHRISTMAS: SIN (Romans 3:23) … Every person besides Jesus is a sinner. I'm a sinner. You're a sinner. We've all sinned. It's not possible for us to live a life of moral perfection.God still loves us despite this flaw in us. But He's also a just God and won't lower His standard. As a result, we are separated from God. So, how can we be reconciled to God?
- THE SOLUTION OF CHRISTMAS: Incarnation (Galatians 4:4-5) … God came down from Heaven to Earth in the form of a baby. He came as the new representative of humanity, being both fully human and fully God. The first representative of mankind, Adam, failed and sinned. This new one would live a sinless life. This baby would live a life worthy of His name, Jesus, rescuer and savior of the world.
- THE RESULT OF CHRISTMAS: SALVATION (Romans 6:23) … Our sin has earned us death, but Jesus has offered to exchange gifts with Him. He takes our sin and death upon Himself and gives us righteousness and eternal life. It's an amazing gift offered to everyone. But here's the thing: it is a gift and it must be accepted. And to accept a gift, you need a personal relationship with the giver.
For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message
- Exalting Jesus in Matthew (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary)
- ESV Expository Commentary
- NIV Application Commentary
- O Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp
- Love Came Down at Christmas by Sinclair Ferguson
- The Characters of Christmas by Dan Darling
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