Our youth pastor preached today as our church recognized the graduating seniors.
Warning: Research shows that 70-80% of high school graduates are dropping out of church or taking an extended hiatus during the 4 years post-graduation.
Young adults are the only ones leaving the church though; every age group sees people leaving the church. Some researchers call this the great Exodus.
Exodus 33:14-16; 32:7-10
Go in God’s Presence (Exodus 33:14-16).
God goes with us. He gives us signs that He is with us.
The people of God desire to be in His presence. Be intentional in wanting to be in God’s presence.
Trust in God’s Power (Exodus 14:31).
Moses doesn’t have the power to free the Israelites on his own; he has to rely on God’s power and so do we.
Even after they left Egypt, the Israelites still needed to rely on God’s power to sustain them.
Pursue God’s Purity (Exodus 32:7-10).
The Israelites temporarily worshipped a golden calf they made as they waited for Moses to return from the mountain. God desires for His people to live pure lives which means pursuing God and His perfect purity.
We may not have a golden calf, but we have plenty of other idols that lead to impurity. Anything we put before God does this. Romance, money, popularity, drugs, and really just anything can be an idol.