Hebrews 3:1-6


Our outreach pastor preached again today in our second week in Hebrews. 


Big Idea: 

Jesus is the ultimate rescuer, far greater than anyone who came before Him.


Moses was a great leader and revered by the Jews. He was a military leader and a religious leader. He led them in war and mediated with God for the people. Moses led his people away from the captivity of the most powerful nation of their time and to the Promised lLand (eventually). And yet, Jesus is better. That’s what we’ll see in the scripture from Hebrews today. Moses rescued the Israelites from slavery. Jesus rescues us from sin. Sometimes, like the Israelites, we forget what God has done for us and get pulled back into our past vices or smothered in our worldly responsibilities. 


To rightly appreciate your rescue you must…

  1. Fix your eyes on Jesus (v. 1a). … This verse tells us to consider, to think intently, to thing rightly, about Jesus. This is like keeping your eye on the goal. It helps us to stay focused. 
  2. View Jesus as the better representative (v. 1b). 
    1. He brings a better revelation. … Jesus shows us what the Father is like. 
    2. He offers a better reconciliation. … The high priest had to offer sacrifices over and over to compensate for our sins so we could be reconciled to God. But Jesus only had to die once to make us right with God and be reconciled to Him. 
  3. Reflect on how Jesus surpasses Moses (vv. 2-5). … “Jesus is considered worthy of more glory than Moses.” Moses led the people from slavery to Egypt. Jesus leads us from slavery to sin. Moses got the people out of Egypt. Jesus takes Egypt out of us. Moses gave the people the law. Jesus fulfills the law. 
  4. See what Jesus is building (v. 6). … When we become His, it becomes our identity. We become part of God’s family. Knowing that identity empowers us and it also means that we don’t struggle alone. 


For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message

  • Exalting Jesus in Hebrews by Albert Mohler
  • Hebrews for You by Michael Kruger
  • Hebrews REC by Richard Phillips
  • Hebrews: Preach the Word Commentary by Kent Hughes
  • Hebrews ESV Expository Commentary
  • Hebrews by Grant Osborne