Psalm 119:9-16

We all forget stuff. Whether it’s our keys or wallet being left somewhere or forgetting why we came into a room, we all forget stuff. There’s also some things that we never forget. Maybe someone said something that will stick with you forever, a piece of advice or a funny moment that impacted you. Marriage proposals, weddings, births of children are all things that we never forget. 

Let’s make 2020 start off with a declaration that we will make God’s word one of those things we never forget. 

Eight Messages from Psalm 119

  1. Submit so you can commit (Psalm 119: 9). … Living out God’s word begins with submitting to God’s word. The psalmist assumes we are walking the path of purity, but many of us have not submitted and are trying to travel with one foot on the path of purity and one off it. That doesn’t work. We end up feeling out of place at church and guilty when we sin outside it. 

  2. Declare your desire (Psalm 119: 10). … God gives us the desire to know Him and His word. However, sometimes we spoil that appetite with worldly things. Is something spoiling your desire to know His word? What is it? 

  3. Treasure the word (Psalm 119: 11). … We don’t treasure it just so we can hold it over others and act better than them. No, we treasure it so it can change us and we might not sin against God. 

  4. Love to learn the word (Psalm 119: 12). … When we learn to love the word, we are learning to love its Author too. 

  5. Find Your voice (Psalm 119: 13). … When we learn to treasure the word, it fills us up. And when anything fills us up, it must come out. Let your voice be filled with the word. Fill your heart and mind with as much as God’s word as you can, so that when the time comes it just flows out in your words. 

  6. Anticipate the celebrate (Psalm 119: 14). … We know that one day we will celebrate something much greater than anything in this world. What act of obedience has had the biggest cost for you? Consider that the payoff will be infinitely better. 

  7. Carefully consider God’s word (Psalm 119: 15). … There is a cost to obedience and also a cost of inobedience. However, one leads to eternal joy and the other doesn’t. 

  8. I will not forget God’s word (Psalm 119: 16). … What in God’s word are you most likely to forget? If you can answer that question, that is probably where the devil is attacking you currently. 

Final question: How would your life look different if you did not forget God’s Word? 

Consider spending time in the word and trying to understand it for yourself. Read through a book of the Bible. Follow devotional plans. Study the Bible with the intent of remembering it and knowing the Author.