Nehemiah 9:38; 10:29-39

Lots of people are indecisive. They struggle to make decisions about life, and sometimes it’s just time to fish or cut bait. Decisions must be made. That’s where the Israelites are now in our study of Nehemiah. They have to decide  who they are. They chose to renew their covenant with God. … Today we take the Lord’s Supper as a renewal of our covenant as well.

Nehemiah 9:38; 10:27-28 … The Israelites did this publicly and unashamedly. They signed a binding agreement. This is not something to take lightly.

Basic Commitments (Nehemiah 10:29) … Their basic commitment was to follow the Word of the Lord. Here are basic commitments you can make today:

  • I want to become a follower of Jesus and be baptized.

  • I want to join First Baptist Church (or whichever church you attend).

  • I renew my commitment to Jesus as Lord of my Life.

Separation/Holiness (Nehemiah 10:30) … The Israelites decided to separate themselves from the outside world in ways God commanded them long ago. Here are ways we can separate ourselves from our world today:

  • If I marry, I will choose a person who shares my faith.

  • I will not view anything that pleases God.

Rhythms of Worship (Nehemiah 10:31) … The Israelites decided to follow the patterns God specified in the Old Testament. Here are some patterns we can follow so we honor God consistently:

  • I will gather with my church family for worship each week unless providentially hindered.

  • I will join and attend a Connection Group (Sunday School class).

  • I will participate in the Christian Development Program on Wednesday nights.

  • I will seek to pray and read my Bible daily. I will do this with my fam`ily.

Stewardship (Nehemiah 10:32-39) … The Israelites once again decide to follow God’s law, even with their time and hard earned resources. Here are ways we can do this too:

  • I will give a tenth of my income to God through the church.

  • I will give to special offerings:

    • Missions

    • Finish the Race

    • Other:

  • I will give my time as a volunteer in a ministry in my church.

Maybe there is some other commitment you need to make. Whatever commitments you need to make, put it in writing and sign it. Make a binding agreement with God like the Israelites did.