Our associate pastor was given the chance to preach this week and delivered a great sermon as he always does. This is also the last in the Colossians series. 


Big Idea: We talk about people to God and we talk about God to people. 


Charles Finney, a man who heavily influenced the Second Great Awakening, tells us that prayer is essential, not just for personal growth, but also for reaching others. It’s a sentiment that Paul also shared in this letter to the Colossians. 


  1. Talk to God about People (4:2-4). … Paul tells us we need to pray. And to be devoted to praying. He says to be alert and thankful. Be aware of the spiritual warfare going on and be grateful for the things God has done for us. John Piper says sometimes we try to treat prayer like an intercom, just asking God for things. But God is not our butler. Prayer is more like a walkie-talkie. It goes both ways. Paul also tells us to pray specifically for a few things 
    1. For those on the front lines trying to reach lost people. 
    2. For open doors to spread the Gospel. 
    3. For clarity in preaching the Gospel
  2. Talk to people about God (4:5-6). … Paul just asked for prayer for his ministry and then tells the church of Colossae that they also have a ministry. He tells them, and us a few things:
    1. Live wisely. … Live wisely among the lost and take advantage of conversations we have with them. 
    2. Speak well. … If you’re going to share the Gospel, you have to use words. Paul gives us some advice. 
      1. Be gracious. … Sometimes you can win an argument but lose the person. It’s important to be gracious and not to push away those we’re trying to reach. 
      2. Season with salt. … Preach the Gospel to yourself daily. Make it relatable to who you’re speaking to. 


In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were in prison when the earth shook and the doors opened and chains fell. The guard was about to fall on his sword when Paul stopped him, pointing out that everyone was still there. There’s a good chance this guard had beat Paul and Silas earlier, but they were gracious and kept him from taking his own life. The guard would then ask how to be saved.  Paul and Silas would respond with a clarity that made it obvious what must be done. 


But what about when we mess up? Well, go back to Acts 16 again and look at why Paul and Silas were in prison. Paul grew annoyed at a young, possessed lady and lashed out, banishing the demonic spirit, which led to her masters having him imprisoned. Sometimes we screw up, but sometimes those mistakes also lead to other opportunities. Pray for opportunities to spread the Gospel even when you mess up. God can use our failures just as well as He can use our successes.