Our missions pastor preached again this morning to finish this two week series and delivered a good message about getting unstuck.
Philippians 3:12-21
Big Idea: The key to getting unstuck is to keep moving forward with Jesus.
Five Ways to Help You Get Unstuck
- Now you're not there yet (v. 12). … We have a desire to be at our final destination, our fully mature selves. But we aren't there yet. Even Paul didn't get there during his time on Earth. We can continue to grow and mature for our entire lives though. We may never become perfect until we reach Heaven, but we should continue to strive for it on Earth. One of the benefits of this mindset is that we become less critical of others. None of us are “there yet,” but God still works through us to impact the lives of others.
- Let go of the past (vv. 13-14(. … Paul had quite the past. He had persecuted believers and overseen the deaths of some before he became a believer himself. Letting go of what we've done in the past is key to moving forward. Don't let something Christ has already paid for hold you back.
- Focus on one thing (vv. 13-14). … Paul points out one thing he does. Here is a question to ask yourself: What one thing can I focus on to pursue the one thing that matters most?
Two Key Questions to Help You Take Action:- What do you need to leave behind?
- What step can you take to move forward?
- Keep your eyes Jesus (vv. 18-19). … Focusing on earthly things is the downfall of many. Nothing on this Earth can satisfy our souls. So, it's important to focus on Jesus and heavenly things that last for eternity. When we focus on eternal things, we impact the lives of others and those people will impact even more people.
- Trust Jesus to transform you (vv. 20-21). … We don't have the power to transform or unstick ourselves, but Jesus does. From Paul to Augustin to John Newton to your favorite pastors, no one is too far gone for God to transform.
For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message
- Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. NICNT. Eerdmans. by Gordon Fee.
- Philippians in Zondervan Exegetical Commentary by Goerge H. Guthrie
- Exalting Jesus in Philippians by Tony Merida and Francis Chan.
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