Romans 12:1-2


When a caterpillar sews itself into a cocoon, its body is slowly eaten by enzymes until it becomes a goo, except for a special type of cell that then divides and rebuilds the creature into a pupa and eventually a butterfly that instinctively knows how to fly. It is changed from the inside out and displays its new self proudly. Likewise, being a believer changes us from the inside and out and should result in a life different from before as we display who we are now in Christ. 


The Gospel gives us:

  1. A New Motivation … The Gospel tells us we are already accepted and loved; all we need to do is accept it. We can have assurance of salvation no matter how often we screw up. We know we have been declared innocent with our sins wiped away by the cross. We are already loved by God and there is nothing we can do to change for good or bad. With that in mind, we should want to obey God’s commands and live a life that pleases Him. 
  2. A New Approach to Worship … Fortunately, animal sacrifices are no longer needed. Jesus died on the cross once for all. Now we can readily worship anytime and anywhere. Our lives are to be living sacrifices, a new lifestyle where we put God first in everything. 
  3. A New Mindset … We are told to not be like the world. We are going to be influenced and shaped by our environments. However, we should be on guard to not get caught in the patterns of this world. We need to stay true to what the Bible tells us. If we are he same as the world, then we cannot help the world. 


Five Ways You Can Renew Your Mind:

  1. Meditate on Scripture … Have a Bible reading plan. Start small if you don’t already do one. Try to fill your mind with thoughts about a verse each day. 
  2. Intentionally Slow Down … The pace of life has increased. We live to be busy. That hectic lifestyle often keeps us from putting God first. 
  3. Control Your Intake … When you turn on a show or movie or pickup a book or listen to music, consider the message it is sending and how it is shaping you and your family. Try to pick positive content that provides encouragement. 
  4. Be Consistent in Corporate Worship … Go to church and be part of worship. Sing with the congregation and let that experience transform you as God’s presence fills the place. 
  5. Remind Yourself of the Gospel Daily … Sometimes we forget we can’t earn salvation, that it is a gift and not a reward. It’s important to remind ourselves of the Gospel so it can permeate our minds and souls and change us from the inside out so that we can live lives that put God first. 


For Further Study/Resources the Pastor Used to Prepare This Message


  • Exalting Jesus in Romans by Tony Merida
  • Teach the Text by Marvin Pate
  • Romans, Preach the Word by Kent Hughes
  • ESV Expository Commentary by Robert Yarbrough
  • Romans for You by Tim Keller
  • The Story of God Commentary by Michael Bird
  • Living Insights by Chuck Swindoll
  • NIV Application Commentary by Doug Moo