Matthew 5:43-47


This is one of the most difficult teachings of Jesus to follow. It is hard to love our enemies. Sometimes, that's because of how different they are from us. But other times, it's because we don't realize we have enemies. Anyone with an opposing attitude or action is an enemy. This comes from Jesus’ most well-known sermon, The Sermon on the Mount. It's a sermon full of difficult and counterintuitive teachings and this might be the hardest of them all. 


  1. Jesus gives a new approach (v. 43)... Jesus teaches us that we need to go beneath the surface. He teaches us that hate is the seed that grows into murder and lust grows into adultery. The religious teachers had taken a comma from the Bible and added another to it. The Bible does tell us to love our neighbors. The teachers added the teaching about hating our enemies. Jesus throws out that extra teaching. 
  2. Jesus gives a new command (v. 44)... Jesus tells us to more than just non-hate, but to love. We're also told to pray for them. It's really hard to continue to hate someone when you pray for them regularly. 
  3. Jesus gives a new reason (v. 45)... Who should we love our enemies? Because God did. Roman's 5:10 points out that we were enemies of God but God still loved us. Believers and non-believers both get the same sun. Both get the same rain. 
  4. Jesus gives a new standard (vv. 46-47)... Everyone loves those who are like themselves. Jesus raises the bar for believers and tells us love those who are also different from us. We are called to live differently than others. 


Our culture doesn't like to love enemies. Often, we'd rather cancel them on social media. But we should separate ourselves from that and show love to those who oppose us in attitude or action because God did that for us. Jesus took our place as enemy of God while He was on the cross so that we could be saved. 


For Further Study/Resources the Pastor Used to Prepare This Message

  • Exalting Jesus in Matthew by David Platt
  • Preach the Word by Kent Hughes
  • ESV Expository Commentary
  • The Story of God Commentary