Matthew 14:22-33


This phrase, “you of little faith,” is one Jesus used to emphasize that His disciples should put more trust in Him. This story of Peter walking on water and falling teaches us a few things about trust. 


  1. Trust begins by seeing correctly (v. 28) … The disciples thought they were just seeing things, maybe a ghost until Jesus reveals Himself. When Peter realized it was Jesus, his trust increased. For a moment, the veil was pulled back and Peter saw Jesus for who He really is, the creator and sovereign ruler of the universe. 
  2. Trust in an intentional choice (v. 29) … Peter made the conscious decision to step out of the boat and onto the water. Trust requires an act. It is not passive. “Trust is not a passive state of mind. It is a vigorous act of the soul by which we choose to lay hold on the promises of God and cling to them despite the adversity that at times seeks to overwhelm us.” —Jerry Bridges
  3. Trust is an ongoing process (vv. 30-31) … Peter stopped trusting and sunk. His eyes left Jesus and he began to notice the strong winds. He became fearful and his trust faded, causing him to sink. Sometimes we focus too much on our own surroundings and problems and not enough on Jesus. How to we kept trusting God? Here are four ways to build that trust. 
    1. Spend time in prayer. … Prayer helps keep us focused on God and helps us feel connected to Him. 
    2. Focus on God more than your problems… When we keep God in our focus, everything else gets smaller. Having a big view of God helps us trust Him. 
    3. Say out loud, “God I will trust you with _.”... Fill in that blank. Sometimes saying it out loud can really help make it real. 
    4. Remember who's got you… Jesus has our life in His hands. He had Peter as he walked on water and saved him as he began to sink. He has us too. “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.” —John Piper 
  4. Trust leads to worship (vv. 32-33) … When Jesus got in the boat and the wind ceased, the disciples worshiped Him. No doubt, they all trusted Jesus more after that event. That increase of trust led to worship. 


For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message

  • Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
  • Exalting Jesus in Matthew by David Platt
  • Preach the Word by Kent Hughes
  • ESV Expository Commentary
  • Matthew For You Commentary
  • The Story of God Commentary