The passages we look at today use a different word from “coming”. They use to term “appearing”. This term emphasizes that He has shown Himself and will show Himself again. In between the two “appearings” we don’t get to see Him or walk with Him, but we can still catch some of the joy from the first appearing and the revelation of salvation that is coming in the second appearing. 


First Appearing (Hebrews 9:26-28)

Second Appearing (Hebrews 9:28)

Jesus appeared to remove sin by the sacrifice of Himself. … This is a reference to what the high priest would do once a year. The high priest would offer up a sacrifice of an animal to atone for the sins of all Jews. The sacrifice of Jesus though is a one-time thing that removes all of our sin ever committed. 

Jesus will appear a second time to bring salvation to those wait for Him. … The second appearance will wrap up the process of salvation. Currently we still struggle with sin, but when He appears again, He will remove even that temptation. 

2 Timothy

First Appearing (2 Timothy 1:9-10)

Second Appearing (2 Timothy 4:8)

Jesus appeared to destroy death and bring life to light. … Our salvation is completely undeserved and was planned even before the beginning of time. Christ destroyed the power of sin and death on His first appearance. 

Jesus will give a crown of righteousness to all who long for His appearing. … As Paul wrote these words, we think he was close to death. Yet, he had confidence in his salvation and was anticipating being with Jesus, whether after death or in His second appearing. Paul longed to see Jesus. 

1 John

First Appearing (1 John 1:1-2; 3:7-8)

Second Appearing (1 John 3:2-3)

Jesus appeared to destroy the devil’s works. … There is a devil at work in our world. The devil works to destroy us bodily, mentally, and emotionally. Jesus has appeared so that we can be saved from those works.

When Jesus appears, we shall be like Him. … In other places in the Bible, being like Him means that we’ll have a glorified body like Him. Here though, it means we’ll be pure like Him in our living. We will be without sin. And since our destiny is purity, we should begin that journey already. We should work on becoming pure.