The Messiah will be preceded by a messenger like the prophet Elijah who will prepare the way for his coming (Malachi 3:1; 4:5). Fulfillment: Matthew 11:7-10, 13-14…. John the Baptist started his ministry before Jesus and preached that the one who comes after him is the Messiah. He also wore similar clothes as Elijah and Jesus Himself confirmed that John fulfilled this part of the prophecy. 

The Messiah will not come as a warrior but as one who is gentle and humble (Isaiah 42:1-4). Fulfillment: Matthew 12:14-21…. Jesus came to serve and to save as a humble servant leader. Even when there was a plot to kill Him, He remained gentle and withdrew, teaching peace and hope to those who followed Him. 

The Messiah’s ministry will extend beyond Israel to the gentiles (Isaiah 49:6). Fulfillment: Luke 2:30-32…. Salvation for Israel wasn't enough. Jesus was meant to bring salvation to every nation and He did. He amazed people with His love for gentiles and He commanded His followers to go to the ends of the earth. 

The Messiah will preach good news (Isaiah 61:1-2). Fulfillment: Mark 1:14-15; Luke 4:16-21…. The good news that Jesus preached was for everyone. Rich or poor. Saint or sinner. Everyone is able to receive the good news that this is the year of the Lord's favor, a year of Jubilee in which everything can be forgiven. The prophecy has a second part that isn't yet fulfilled but will come. Eventually Jesus will return and declare the day of judgment has arrived, but until then we get to live in this year of Jubilee. 

The Messiah will enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). Fulfillment: John 12:14-16…. This prophecy was one of the big obvious signs that the Messiah had arrived. Jesus fulfilled it. This showed that Jesus was the Messiah. No one else has fulfilled the number of prophecies that He has.