John 2:1-11
This series is going to cover 15 miracles in 15 weeks. The miracles will be broken down into 4 groups, so we should one group per month. The first group covers miracles that affect the natural world.
We start with the first recorded miracle of Jesus: turning water into wine at a wedding.
The wedding party had likely been going for days by this time since that’s how they celebrated weddings. Running out of wine would be a big deal. Marey, Jesus’ mother, appears to have had some type of role in this wedding and told Jesus the party had run out of wine. Jesus tells her that His time has not yet come. He still needed to train His disciples and do His ministry. Mary was persistent though and told the servants to do whatever Jesus said. They took barrels full of water and Jesus turned the water into wine, apparently better wine than what they had before.
Since Jesus drank wine and turned water into wine, does this mean it is ok for Christians to drink alcohol?
Three reasons for Christians to avoid alcohol:
Addiction (Proverbs 23:29-35). … Today’s alcoholic beverages have a higher percentage of alcohol in them. This makes them more addictive and addiction can lead to serious issues in life.
Self Control (1 Peter 5:8; Proverbs 20:1). … The Bible tells us several times to be alert and in control of ourselves. Alcohol affects our ability to maintain self control. A lack of self control today has more opportunities for negative effects thanks to the vehicles we drive as opposed to riding donkeys.
Influence (Romans 14:21). … We are accountable for our influences on other people. Just because something doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s not affecting someone around you.
Ephesians 5:18 gives hope to those who struggle that they can overcome their issue and replace it with the Holy Spirit
John only includes seven of Jesus’ miracles in his gospel. Why does he include this story? What is its significance?
In Old Testament prophecy, an abundance of wine was the sign of the Kingdom of God (Joel 3:18; John 10:10). … It is a sign that the kingdom has come. Jesus makes a lot of wine in this miracle and He makes the best wine. Jesus came so that we might have life and have it abundantly. Jesus makes the best at whatever He does.
What is the purpose of the miracles of Jesus?
Jesus’ miracles are signs pointing to who Jesus is. Jesus reveals His glory so that we might believe in Him (John 2:11; 20:30-31). … John calls these “signs:” instead of “miracles” because they serve the purpose of directing us to faith in Jesus. John wrote his gospel and included seven signs so that we would believe Jesus is the Messiah and that we might believe in Him.