2 Samuel 9:1-7


Background & Context

  • Saul and Jonathan have died in battle.
  • David has become king and things are going well.
  • The kingdom is united—both Judah and Israel together.
  • They have pushed back all of their enemies—the Philistines, the Moabites, the Edomites, and the Syrians.
  • This is one of the high moments in David’s rule.


It’s at this point that we see a picture of grace and a rags to riches story. The story of David and Mephibosheth.


Typically a new king would kill any remaining family of an old king to prevent any future rebellion. But David goes a different route. He remembers his promise to Jonathan, a promise he had made 15 years ago to take care of his family. Jonathan had one son still living, Mephibosheth. 


Mephibosheth had been crippled when he was younger while trying to escape from possible attacks. At this stage of his life, he was poor and crippled, not a good combo. David sought him out and had him brought to him. Then David shows him grace and kindness. He treats Mephibosheth as his own son.   


Three ways this relates to us

  1. The King Seeks After Us … David sought out Mephibosheth, and Jesus seeks us. The King takes the initiative. Jesus left His throne in Heaven and came down to Earth to seek and save the lost. He sought us before we could ever seek Him. 
  2. The King Extends Mercy to Us … Mephibosheth thought he was about to be killed because he was part of the former regime, but David showed mercy. Likewise, Jesus shows us mercy despite having every right to throw us sinners into eternal punishment. 
  3. The King Invites Us to His Table … David gave Mephibosheth a place at his table, a seat among David’s family. He was treated as a son of the king. Jesus also invites us to His table as part of His family, as a son or daughter of the King. 


We didn’t do anything to deserve this mercy and grace. We could never earn a spot at the King’s table. It is only through grace and mercy that we could sit there. 


For Further Study/Resources the Pastor Used to Prepare This Message


  • Great Lives: David: A Man of Passion and Destiny by Chuck Swindoll
  • Preaching the Word Commentary
  • Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary
  • ESV Expository Commentary
  • New American Commentary