John 20:30-31

Why did John write his gospel (story of Jesus)?

John wrote his gospel to help us believe in Jesus. … This is why it is often recommended as the first book of the Bible to read for those who have never read it before.

John calls the miracles of Jesus “signs”. … They are signs that point to who Jesus is.  

“Believe” is the key word in John. This word occurs 11 times in Matthew, 10 times in Mark, 9 times in Luke, and 98 times in John! … That’s quite a stark difference from the other gospels and shows a major emphasis.

What does John want us to believe about Jesus?

  1. Jesus is the Messiah (Christ). … Jesus is the One who was promised in the Old Testament prophecies.

  2. Jesus is God’s Son. … He is the Son of God, holy and eternal.

Why is it important to believe in Jesus?

When you believe in Jesus you receive life through Him.

  1. Jesus gives abundant/rich/satisfying/full/better life. … Jesus gives life better than we can dream of, better even than the life King Solomon had. Solomon had everything he wanted and came to the conclusion that it was all meaningless. To be more specific, that it was meaningless without God.

  2. Jesus gives eternal life. … We know that even after we physically die our spirit will live on in eternity because we believe in Jesus and have put our trust in Him.

One of Jesus’ disciples, Thomas (called twin) struggled with believing Jesus had risen from the grave. He wasn’t with the other 10 (Judas Iscariot was dead) when Jesus first appeared to them and he doubted their reports. Jesus appeared to them again and showed Thomas His scars and Thomas believed. And because he believed, he will have eternal life. Then Jesus says that those who believe without seeing will be blessed. That’s us!