God sovereignly gives the gift of gender to us (Genesis 1:27). … God created the first people male and female.

There are many people who identify as the opposite gender of what they were given by God. Some even identify as somewhere in between. This is something seems to be more relevant in big cities, but even in our smaller city, there are people struggling with this issue. It is something that we need to address as Christians.

What should you do if you are experiencing gender confusion? Submit your feelings to your body rather than trying to submit your body to your feelings. Jesus can help you (Galatians 2:20). … Feelings are imperfect and can often lead to misguided actions. They are not something you should use as a guiding force in your life.

We are called to love and respect everyone. Some advocates of the LGBTQ+ community will say that denying part of who people identify as is hate, not love or respect. They seem to fail to understand that we can still love and respect the individual person even though we do not approve of part of their personal identity.

Based on this gift of gender, God gave the blueprint for intimacy between the sexes (Genesis 2:4). God’s plan is for the good gift of sex to be expressed between one man and one woman in a committed relationship, exclusive relationship (Matthew 19:4-5). All other expressions of sexual intimacy are outside of God’s will.

Questions from our high school students:

  1. Will gays and lesbians go to Heaven? (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 John 3:9) … Paul addresses this issue. He lists groups of people who will not “inherit the Kingdom of God” and the list includes gays. That’s not the end though. Pauls goes on to say that it is possible for people in these groups to be saved if they repent of their sin. What about those who claim to be Christians but continue to live their sinful life as before? 1 John 3:9 tells us one of the signs of a person being born again is change. Born again christians will show evidence of their faith by living a life in accordance with God’s will.

  2. I’m still friends with gay people. Is that ok? (1 Corinthians 5:9-12) … Paul tells us that we shouldn’t associate with immoral people inside the church, immoral people who claim to be transformed christians. However, he says it’s ok to associate, to be friends, with non-believers who fall in these categories. Even Jesus associated with people who were different from Him and didn’t live in accordance with God’s will. Paul also tells us that we aren’t to judge those outside the church, but we should judge who claim to be Christians.