The Kingdom of Heaven is like a growing seed (Mark 4:26-29).
The growth of the Kingdom is continual.
Night and day ... Just like how a seed grows throughout the the night and day, so does the Kingdom.
The growth of the Kingdom is mysterious.
Though he does not know how ... God's work is unexplainable by humans.
The growth of the Kingdom is unstoppable.
All by itself ... The Kingdom does not need any particular person for it to grow. It doesn't matter who is in office or has power. The growth of the Kingdom is automatic.
The growth of the Kingdom is Incremental.
First the stalk, then the head, the full kernel ... Sometimes great awakenings and revivals happen, but that is not the norm. The typical way the Kingdom grows is a gradual growth.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed: it starts small and becomes very big (Mark 4:30-32). ... Here is another parable about a seed. But this time it's not about the process, but the contrast between how small it starts and how large it grows to be.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast mixed into flour: It works its way all through our lives and world (Matthew 13:33). … Yeast spreads through the flour and is what causes it to rise when baked.