John 13:1-17


Our student pastor preached this morning. It’s been a joy to see him grow as a preacher over the past decade. 


Big Idea of the Series

You’ll never really understand who you are until you understand who He is.


In this passage, Jesus and His disciples were having dinner just before Passover and Jesus knew His hour had come. The other Gospels tell us some of the disciples were arguing about who was greater, and Jesus gets up, pours water into a basin, and starts washing their feet. This is an extraordinary act. Normally, a servant would do this; to have a rabbi, especially Jesus, do this was unexpected. When He came to Peter, Peter initially refused the washing because he wasn’t worthy. Jesus 


Four requirements to serving like Jesus

  1. We have to love people. … Jesus loved His disciples. He also loved more than just the twelve. We see elsewhere that He loved Lazarus, Martha, Mary, and others. He also calls us to love our neighbors and even to love our enemies. If we are to serve like Him. we must love like Him (or at least try to). We love because He first loved us. 
  2. No one is above serving. … If Jesus, God incarnate, serves others, then truly, no one is above serving others. Sometimes we struggle to serve others who we deem unworthy of our service, people who we see as below us. We have to humble ourselves and think of others instead. 
  3. No one is below being served. … Jesus washed the feet of all twelve disciples, even Judas, whom Jesus knew would betray Him. If Jesus could wash the feet of the man He knew would betray Him, then nobody is below being served. We need to put the needs of others before our own. 
  4. Compassion, compassion, compassion. … Several of the miracles Jesus performed during His ministry were because He was moved with compassion. When He healed others or raised them from the dead or fed them, He was moved with compassion. Jesus even told us a parable to illustrate the need for compassion: The Good Samaritan. 


So how can you serve? In our church, the opportunities to serve are abundant. Help out in the kitchen on Wednesday nights. Lead a connection group. Teach Sunday school for children. Volunteer with the youth group. Serve at Oakley. Volunteer for VBS or Jesus Tent. Go on a mission trip. And I’m sure there are other opportunities too. 


For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message

  • Who is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert
  • Exalting Jesus in John by Matt Carter; Josh Wredberg
  • NIV Application Commentary, John
  • The Expositor’s Bible Commentary