Our outreach pastor preached again this week and did tremendous as always. 


John 4:1-29


Big Idea

Jesus is the only well that doesn’t run dry.


In 1987, U2 released a song titled “Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.” Bono called it a Gospel hymn for those still searching. This band was among the most popular bands of the time, selling out football stadiums for concerts and they were still searching for something to satisfy their thirsty souls. 


Four ways Jesus satisfies us: 

  1. Jesus meets us in our emptiness (vv. 1-9). … Most Jews would have added a day to their journey and bypassed Samaria due to the animosity between them. But for some reason, Jesus “had to” go through Samaria. When they reached Jacob's Well in Samaria, Jesus was tired and sat down to rest and sent the Disciples to find food. Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, grew tired. That is always crazy to read. Then Jesus meets a Samaritan woman and starts a conversation with her, which would have been against every social norm of the time. It seems as though Jesus went to that well specifically to have this interaction. He sought out this woman who had an empty place in her soul, and he seeks us out too. 
  2. Jesus exposes our empty wells (vv. 10-18). … Do you feel like your soul is empty? Does it feel full or is there something missing? This woman didn't realize she was empty either until Jesus showed her. Jesus uses her past as an illustration to show her emptiness. She had been married and divorced multiple times. None of her marriages or relationships had ended up satisfying her in the end. What have you pursued, thinking it would satisfy you? 
  3. Jesus offers living water (vv. 19-26). … The woman tried to redirect the conversation away from herself and onto theology and geography. Jesus tells her that worship isn't about the location; it's about being intimate with God, having a relationship with God. Then Jesus reveals who He really is for the first time. The first time He reveals His identity is to a Samaritan woman, an outsider. And it changes her instantly. 
  4. Jesus transforms us to share the living water (vv. 27-29). … The lady was transformed in an instant and ran to town to tell everyone she knew. 


What well are you drinking from?

  1. Pursue intimacy with Jesus. … Don't pursue a religion or routine; pursue a close relationship with Jesus. 
  2. Surrender the wells that don’t satisfy. … The world and all the wells it tries to sell us will leave you empty, but Jesus satisfies. 
  3. Let Jesus transform you. … When the living water is within us, it changes us. 
  4. Revival starts with you. … It only takes one to start a revival. Living with the living water inside is what starts a revival in our hearts that could overflow to those around us. 


For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message

  • Carson, D.A. The Gospel According to John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991.
  • Keller, Timothy. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. New York: Dutton, 2008.
  • Andreas J. Köstenberger – John (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, BECNT)
  • Leon Morris – The Gospel According to John (New International Commentary on the New Testament, NICNT)
  • Pew Research Center. “Religion and Public Life.”
  • Barna Group. “Trends in American Spirituality.”
  • Lifeway Research. “State of Theology Report.”