Mark 4:35-41
Big Idea Of The Series
You’ll never really understand who you are until you understand who He is.
We all have expectations of certain things. When we go visit a historical place, we often expect something grand, but sometimes it's much smaller than we expected, Or maybe we expect our favorite team to be good and then they crash and burn. Often, our expectations aren't met. But Jesus always exceeds expectations.
Four things we learn about Jesus from that night on the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus walked in our shoes (v. 38a). … Jsus took naps! Jesus has existed for all eternity as part of the Trinity, as God. He is divine and perfect and holy. But He came to Earth and became human, making himself small so He could experience life like us. Why? So he could relate to us and be tempted like us. And so He could die for us.
- Jesus cares about our problems (v. 38b). … Sometimes we wonder if God cares about the details of our lives. He does. He cares about the small details and the problems we face, whether big or small.
- Jesus has sovereignty over all creation (v. 39). … Jesus cares and He has the authority to do something about it. In this passage He calms the storm to save His disciples. As Creator and King of all creation, all creation submits to Him. Even though Jesus had come down and taken the form of a human so He could experience life as we do, He was also still fully God.
- Jesus is worthy of our trust (vv. 40-41). … The disciples had seen many miracles before this and they still feared for their lives in this storm. We have also seen God's faithfulness in our lives and we also have times when we lack faith despite all the times in the past when Jesus came through for us. Remember those times and keep faith in Jesus’ power over the storm. He is in the boat with us.
Jesus exceeded the expectations of His disciples, men who had already seen Him do wondrous miracles. They stood in awe and wondered who He really was. We know He is God, the Creator of the universe and Lord of all.
For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message
- Who is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert
- Exalting Jesus in Mark by Daniel Akin
- Luke: That You May Know the Truth by Kent Hughes
- Follow Me by David Platt
- Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman