Luke 5:1-11


Who is Jesus? The world religions all have their own answers to this question. A prophet. A good teacher. The Son of God. Even when Jesus walked the Earth, people had different answers to this question. This series seeks to shed light on the question so we can all answer confidently. 


Big Idea Of The Series

You’ll never really understand who you are until you understand who He is.


Sometimes we describe ourselves as Jesus followers. Unfortunately, the term “follower” has been watered down by all of the social media sites. We follow lots of people online. Some we admire. Some we follow for news. But how many do we actually try to live like? That's what it means to follow Jesus, to live like Him. 


Four Reasons Jesus Is Worth Following

  1. Supernatural insight (vv. 4-5). … Peter was a professional fisherman and had been fishing in that water all of his life. Why should he listen to a carpenter turned rabbi? Jesus isn't your typical carpenter or rabbi though. He is the creator of the universe and physics and life. When He tells you to try the other side, you try the other side. He knows things no one else could possibly know. 
  2. Power & authority (vv. 6-7). … They caught so many fish that the nets started to tear and the boat began to sink. The sheer amount of fish caught emphasized that this was more than a coincidence. Jesus holds power over nature. This miracle foreshadows the many times in His ministry when He shows His power over storms, sickness, nature, and even sin and death themselves. 
  3. Uniquely holy (v. 8). … Peter recognized this power and how different Jesus is from anyone else. Jesus is holy in both senses of the word. He is different and set apart from everyone. He is also sinless and pure and perfect. No one and nothing else can claim this. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty. 
  4. Gives you a new purpose (vv. 9-11). … Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to a new purpose, to fish for men. He calls them to follow Him and to live like Him. God transformed Peter from a humble fisherman to one of the most influential people in history. He would become the lead pastor of the church after Jesus ascended and he would preach one of the most important sermons ever on Pentecost. 


For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message

  • Who is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert
  • Exalting Jesus in Luke by Thabiti Anyabwile
  • Luke: That You May Know the Truth by Kent Hughes
  • Follow Me by David Platt
  • Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman,
  • Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer