Acts 2:43-47


Three Reasons Why You Should Be Connected in Community: 

  1. You were created for community … “‘We’ is greater than ‘me’.” Community is important. Being isolated is harmful not just mentally but it can also affect us physically. We were created to live and commune with others. God is a Trinity. One God in three persons. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A small community. Since we are created in God’s image, we are also created to live in community. The early church knew this and lived it out. 
  2. Community shapes you … We become like the people we hang around. We tend to pick up the habits and mannerisms of those we spend the most time with, both good and bad. For the early Christians, this was also true. Here are five things they all developed in that community. 
    1. Wonder (v. 43) … They were in awe of God. Sometimes we struggle with this today because we are too busy on our screens or taking the kids to their next outing. 
    2. Unity (v. 44) … There were a variety of backgrounds in the early church, but they were united in their beliefs and learned how to be unified. What united them was stronger than what they disagreed on. 
    3. Generosity (v. 45) … They shared with each other so that none went without need. This generosity spread to new members as they grew. 
    4. Joy (v. 46) … The early church was full of joy. They spent time together and ate with each other. As more people joined, they also experienced that joy. 
    5. Worship (v. 47) … The early church paused God. They worshiped God and were blessed. Their numbers also grew daily as new people saw how they lived and wanted to experience that too. The early church was not exclusive, and today’s shouldn't be either. 
  3. Other people need you … Sometimes we don’t know just how much we can be of help to others. It’s not just about what we get out of church, but also what we can give. It’s important to make personal connections and help and receive help from others to grow in our walk with Christ. 


Five Practical Tips to Get Connect in Community

  1. Find a group … Find a Connection Group (Sunday School class). Or another group, maybe one that serves the church regularly. 
  2. Show up consistently … If you don’t come consistently, you won’t make connections. 
  3. Participate in discussion … You get out what you put it
  4. Step up and meet a need … Helping someone is a great way to develop a bond. 
  5. Give it time … It takes time to build relationships


For Further Study/Resources Used to Prepare This Message

  • Exalting Jesus in Acts by Tony Merida
  • NIV Commentary (Acts) by Ajith Fernando
  • Acts: The Church Afire by Kent Hughes
  • Acts: The Christian Standard Commentary by Patrick Schreiner
  • The Gospel-Driven Church by Jared C. Wilson
  • Belong Loving Your Church by Reflecting Christ to One Another by Barnabas Piper